EdTechRVA 2023: Call for Proposals

It’s that time of year! That’s right, it’s time to put in your EdTechRVA conference proposal! This year the conference is embracing the theme, Moving Learning BEYOND the Present! The conference committee is looking for proposals that support the theme as well as GRAETC’s mission. Proposals will be accepted in three formats this year:

Interactive Lecture: Present an interactive lecture with participation from attendees.

Ignite: Present a fast-paced, five minute talks using 20 slides.

Poster: Present in a multi-booth environment engaging with attendees, one-on-one or in small groups.

The deadline for proposals has been extended to January 20, 2023. Notifications for accepted proposals is expected to be sent at the end of January. Don’t wait! Get your proposal in now, by clicking the link below!

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