Three Books, One Goal: Be Awesome!

Are you striving to be a more awesome educator?
Do you need help prioritizing all that you do for your school?
Are you looking to sharpen your ed leadership skills?

As educators, we juggle a lot of different things. But we all want to focus our attention on the things that are most essential. It’s not easy. We are sharing 3 books in a self-named “series” we call “Books to Inspire You to Do Great Things.” These 3 books, read alone or together, can help you decide how to set your priorities and then act on them.

We will tell you why we chose to read these books, what the big ideas are, and what we were inspired to do next – and then even suggest another book!


Start With Why by Simon Sinek

Reader: Erin Daniel

Why I chose this book

No one likes to be told what to do without understanding why they are doing it. Yet teachers are often given directives that seem unrelated to the important work of teaching students. In my role as ITRT, I knew I wanted to make sure teachers always understood why I wanted them to learn and try something new.

What’s the big idea

Simon Sinek believes that everyone deserves to be inspired by the work they do, to wake up each day enthusiastic about their job. What he finds is that all successful organization – the ones with happy employees and sustained success – put their why above all else. So he shows us, through many examples, just how to think, act and communicate with why at the center to improve our organizations and our own lives.

After reading, I was inspired to…

  • Craft my professional learning sessions with why at the center.
  • Renew my focus on relationships.

What to read next  

Sign up for Sinek’s Why Discovery Course, then read Essentialism.


Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Reader: Erin Pratt

Why I chose this book

My calendar was becoming more and more jam packed and my to-do list seemed to only grow longer instead of shorter. The problem? I was trying to be all things to all people, never wanting to say no or miss out on an opportunity. I was running myself ragged. I grabbed Essentialism because I was ready to get back to the heart of my role.

What’s the big idea

Being an Essentialist is not simply about doing less – it is about doing less and doing it better. McKeown says, “if you don’t prioritize your life, someone else will.” He explains that the key to being an Essentialist is to identify and commit to the right things, at the right time, and in the right way. Though it can be hard and uncomfortable, he reminds us that there is nothing wrong with saying no. Essentialism is filled with scenarios and practical advice to help each of us focus on what’s essential.

After reading, I was inspired to…  

  • Take a step back before committing to a new project or opportunity.
  • Be more intentional about telling my story.

What to read next

Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans


Designing Your Life by Bill Burnett and Dave Evans

Reader: Jon Gregori

Why I chose this book

Have you ever felt stuck in your place in life or career?  My reality is that I fell into education, and while I am very grateful for everyday I get to work with children, I know in my heart that I did not have a plan to get me where I am now.  Even more concerning, I also realized I did not have a plan for the next phase of my life and career.  I wanted to take some steps to better plan my future and decided to read Designing Your Life, a book based on the most popular class offered at the Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford (aka Stanford dSchool).

What’s the big idea

Design thinking is a system for solving problems by seeking to understand the user, challenging assumptions, and redefining the problem.  Strangely, we do not focus on designing our life and careers.  Bill Burnett and Dave Evans think we all can train ourselves to think like a designer when it comes to our life and career.  They noticed many of their students at Stanford asked the question “What is the one thing I am going to do with my life?”  In the book, they say everyone can apply design thinking to help plan their life and career by reframing the question to “What kind of person do I want to grow into?”

After reading, I was inspired to…

  • Treat life more improvisationally.
  • Prototype big decisions.
  • Appreciate where I am in my life and career.

What to read next

How to Fly a Horse: The Secret History of Creation, Invention, and Discovery by Kevin Ashton

Authorship Information

Erin Daniel has worked in Henrico County Public Schools for 13 years as both an English teacher and ITRT. She loves to find books that reignite her passion for learning. @eldaniel_ITRT

Erin Pratt has worked in Henrico County Public Schools for 6 years as both a Spanish teacher and ITRT. She loves to listen to audiobooks and learn during her commute. @Pratt_ITRT

Jon Gregori has worked in Henrico County Public Schools for 15 years as an art teacher, ITRT, and educational specialist.  He started listening to audiobooks as an assistive technology for dyslexia. @jongregori