The opening meeting for the 2022-2023 school year held on September 22 was rather special for many of us! Not only was it face to face, but the turn out of commitment was great! Eighteen members joined as representatives from 14 different districts or organizations to kick off the new GREATC Executive Committee school year! During the meeting, we learned about how educational technology is being prioritized across our diverse schools and districts in different ways. For instance, some districts are using technology to focus on Social Emotional Learning (SEL) (see CASEL for more information on SEL), changes in learning managements systems (e.g., Canvas, Schoology), or specific edtech tools and/or practices – Sounds a little like Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge (a.k.a. TPACK)?

While our committee meeting consisted of some get to know you time, we were also able to review our GRAETC goals and committee roles and responsibilities (which tend to be a lot with our yearly Events!).
We are looking forward to an exciting year as Educators in the Greater Richmond Area, passionately supporting connected learning! Be sure to check out our About Us page to see a list of this year’s committee leads for GRAETC.