December 9-15, 2019
Hour of CodeTM is a worldwide movement organized by, a non-profit organization, that has inspired tens of millions of students in over 180+ countries to participate in an hour of coding.
The Hour of CodeTM is one component of Computer Science Education Week and is designed to stimulate interest in computer science careers, particularly for females and other underrepresented student populations. Coding helps develop the 21st-century skills of problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity.

Lessons are pre-made, easy-to-use, and created in engaging environments that are themed to reach all levels of learners and their varied interests. One-hour tutorials are available in more than 45 languages for students aged 4 to 104! No student account creation is required for participation, and the Terms of Service allow for users of all ages.
To participate, we recommend the following steps:
- Register your participation at
- Review the how to guide.
- Browse the activities, and select one for your students. Activities can be completed individually, as collaborative groups, a class, or even unplugged.
- Select an hour, and begin!
- Additional support can be found here.
- Encourage students to continue to learn online all year.
- Promotional materials can be found here.
Authorship Information
Beth Sepelyak has been with Chesterfield County Public Schools for 17 years and has been in instructional technology for the past 13 years. She, her three children, parents, and grandparents all attended Grange Hall Elementary and are proud graduates of CCPS. She has volunteered with GRAETC for the last 5 years.