Digital Learning Day – February 28, 2019
What is Digital Learning Day you ask? In short, it’s a day to celebrate innovative instructional practices that promote effective uses of technology in learning environments. According to the Digital Learning Day website digital learning “encompasses many different facets, tools, and applications to support and empower teachers and students, including online courses, blended or hybrid learning, or digital content and resources. Additionally, digital learning can be used for professional learning opportunities for teachers and to provide personalized learning experiences for students.”
We’ve Got It Covered
Many may say, “we are innovative every day, we’ve got this covered.” If that’s the case, then great why not share your great activities on the 28th with others by posting to social media, specifically Twitter, with the hashtag #DLDay. If Twitter is not your thing, then use Facebook and Instagram.

While there are people celebrating Digital Learning Day everywhere, many of our GRAETC partners are participating in Digital Learning Day, too. Chesterfield County Public Schools will host teacher presentations all day on YouTube Live, as well as many schools will host independent events and activities. Colonial Heights Public Schools recently went one-to-one so they are introducing teachers to the SAMR model through a blog post and face-to-face training. Powhatan County Public Schools plan to participate as a division and the teachers will use Twitter to post classroom events and activities for incentives, like a coveted jeans pass. Henrico County Public Schools’ Digital Learning Day, also varies by school, but has one middle school group of students in particular to highlight, the Griffin Gurus. This group of students teaches technology to other students and teachers. They will kick off a whole month of opportunities to learn technology in the building starting on Digital Learning Day.
Now that you’re excited about February 28th’s Digital Learning Day, do you need more activity ideas or do you want to find out what other counties participating? Check out the lesson ideas and resources on their website. You can also add sign up to participate, it’s not too late. Lastly, you should check out the participation map and see for yourself, we’ve got this covered!